AC-119 Gunship History

This book includes 71st, 17th, and 18 SOS Squadrons’ air and ground crew biographies and memoirs of the AC-119 gunships during the Vietnam War. Read and learn from those who were there and experienced AC-119s, SEA, and the Vietnam War.

Buy the book from Amazon: AC-119 Gunship History.  It is available as a paperback for $9.95.

In 2009 the AC-119 Gunship Association published a full color, hard-bound “History Book” that contained almost 250 AC-119 Gunship air and ground crewmembers’ memoirs, biographies, and stories (with pictures) focused on their time in AC-119s. That Book also contained historical information about the Shadow and Stinger Gunships, as well as their three Squadrons that served in Vietnam.

Since then, we’ve collected additional memoirs, bios, and stories.

We offer this updated “AC-119 Gunship History Book” that contains not only the bios and mini-memoirs from the original History Book, but also several dozen new ones as well.  They will help you gain insights and better understanding of the men who were the backbone and heart of the AC-119.

You can also watch the videos that many of these same men made, on our Bios, Videos, and Stories webpage.