What’s New
What's New - President's Messages
March 11, 2024 – Firing Circle
Registration for the 2024 Reunion.
The Association is ready to gather once again, this year in Colorado Springs, CO, Sept. 11 -15,
2024, for the Association’s 24th reunion. Here is where you get to refresh old friendships, make
new friendships, and move our AC-119 legacy and heritage just a bit closer to the daylight.
The Board worked diligently to put a great reunion package together. Hotel information and the Program for 5 days is included on the following pages. The Registration is on this page, below.
The Reunion includes our Hootch, Meet & Greet, Association Meeting, Banquet, and Farewell,
as well as TWO fantastic Tours! PLEASE READ the Program Info carefully! This announcement is out later than usual, mostly due to the fact that the Board and Committee
workers are spread thin. You’re not surprised to hear that the number of active Association folks
is getting lower – we are losing more people than we are gaining. For this reason, reunions like
this one are so important to keep our friendships engaging, and to meet new friends. There is
an increasing number of friends and family participating, which helps make reunions successful.
With some of the ills from the past few years behind us, the Association should have a great
turn-out this year. We have made commitments on expected participation, and it is VERY
IMPORTANT for us to get attendee numbers as soon as possible. Therefore, you are
encouraged to register early!
This information is on the Association’s Website, and we post this on our Facebook page for
those of you using social media.
Hope to see you ALL there!
Here is the link to Register: https://www.events.afr-reg.com/e/AC-119Gunship2024
Hotel Info and Program Below
M. Drzyzga, March 11, 2024
October 8, 2023 – Reunion Flash Message
Who’s coming to the Washington DC AC-119 November 8-12 Reunion!!
The following AC-119ers, family, and friends will be at our Washington DC Reunion to refresh their old friendships; make some new friends; visit the Vietnam Memorial and other Tours; meet a full AC-130J Ghostrider crew (with several maintenance folks as well) and tour their state of the art Gunship; hear what the prior 17th SOS Active Duty Commander thinks his heritage and our legacy; and hear author Barry Levine’s presentation on AC-119s.
This Reunion Hotel and events are in a great location, with great tours and guests, and (TRUTH) it’s best to SEE old friends while we can all still be seen!!!!
You can cancel up to 24 hours before your arrival. Quit procrastinating; get off your butts and register!! Here are the links you’ll need:
- Reunion and Tour Registration link: https://www.events.afr-reg.com/e/AC-119Gunship2023
- You can assure you’ll get our room rate by reserving your Hotel Room now. Doing that helps us with our forecasting on Reunion numbers, plus there’s no risk since you can cancel as late as the day before your arrival. PLEASE, reserve your hotel room at https://book.passkey.com/event/50394539/owner/1694/home
- Questions? Contact Wayne Laessig. Thanks and see you there!!
PRESIDENTS MESSAGE – September 2023 – Reunion Flash Message:
Lt Col Brian Schmidt, Commander of our active-duty 17th SOS Legacy Squadron from Cannon AFB is coming to our DC reunion, along with an AC-130J Ghostrider (call sign Jackal) & crew! Col Schmidt & crew plan to attend most of the reunion, & offered us a Ghostrider tour on Friday, Nov 10th between mid-morning & mid-afternoon! The Wednesday & Thursday Reunion Tours are not impacted & remain the same.
Numerous Ghostrider crewmembers asked to participate – they want to learn more about our heritage as well as swap some stories! Click here to learn more about the AC-130J GHOSTRIDER. It is the most current version of the 40+ year AC-130 Gunship family, with an awesome armament suite that includes 30mm & 105mm cannons, Small Diameter Bombs, Small Glider Munitions, Hellfire Missiles, & Griffin Missiles!! If you want to see what our Legacy Squadron flies, & talk to today’s warriors who carry our heritage into battle in it, sign up for this tour!!!
Security access & parking challenges make carpooling very impractical for this tour. We are providing a bus for the tour, at no cost to attendees. BUT, the tour is limited to the first 98 who sign up. Plan for 0900 board bus, 1300 back at the hotel (subject to change). THERE IS NO FEE FOR THIS TOUR & we will provide specifics as details firm up.
If you HAVE NOT registered for the Reunion yet, & want to participate in this event, just select it when you register for the Reunion online at https://www.events.afr-reg.com/e/AC-119Gunship2023. You must ALSO fill in a SEPARATE form to assure we have info for any military access requirements. It is also a pdf attachment on the top of the reunion registration web page titled REQUIRED SECURITY INFO- NEW TOUR. Open the form, fill it in, print it, & mail it to: Armed Forces Reunions, 322 Madison Mews, Norfolk, VA 23510.
If you HAVE ALREADY registered for the Reunion & want to add this tour, simply click this link for the required security form titled REQUIRED SECURITY INFO- NEW TOUR; fill it in, print it, & mail it to: Armed Forces Reunions, 322 Madison Mews, Norfolk, VA, 23510.
BTW, here’s who’s already coming to this Reunion:
NOTE: Our hotel has wheelchair accessible rooms at our contracted group rate, BUT not many. If you need an accessible room, please consider reserving one soon. You’ll get our room rate by reserving one now & it helps us with our forecasting on Reunion numbers. There’s no risk since you can cancel as late as the day before your arrival. PLEASE, reserve your room now at https://book.passkey.com/event/50394539/owner/1694/home. Questions? Contact Wayne Laessig. Thanks and see you there!!
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – March 4, 2023 – Reunion Flash Message
Reunion XXIII
Hilton Crystal City, Washington, DC
Wednesday, November 8 – Sunday, November 12, 2023 (New Dates!)
“54 Years Remembrance of AC-119 Gunships”
Reunion Coordinator — Armed Forces Reunions
Greetings to all AC-119ers, Family and Friends,
I am thrilled to share this news with you, we are ready to celebrate another great reunion. I am always amazed to see us celebrate life as brothers. We became brothers in Vietnam. I watched fellow AC-119ers share their brotherhood at the Linden, TX, 50th Vietnam Commemoration in February. We will be sharing that brotherhood at the Air Force Academy in June at the dedication of our AC-119 Gunship bronze plaque at the Vietnam Pavilion. And the Washington D.C. reunion will allow us to share our lives with each other again. We have a special camaraderie with a very unique experience that bonds us together. Let’s keep the dream alive. See you all there.
John Cootz, Association President
[email protected]
WOW! Lots to cover:
- Short version: Y-E-S our 23rd Reunion IS moving forward, just with one change: our Reunion Hotel’s corporate headquarters decided to renovate the hotel when we planned to hold our original Reunion, and we had to move our Reunion dates to November 8-12, 2023!
- Bummer……, BUT the good part of this is that we’ll be there when the weather is better, with no changes to our planned events, tours, rooms, or pricing!
- Longer version (if you like details):
- Hilton convention room renovations were delayed for two years due to COVID. They are now catching up and our Crystal City Hilton is now on the schedule for August-early October.
- Yes, you might see the hotel name listed as Hilton Crystal City – or – Hilton Arlington National Landing. They’re the same hotel; the renovation includes renaming it to Hilton Arlington National Landing.
- The Hilton Hotel and our contractor Armed Forces Reunions (AFR) worked closely with the Association to find the best possible solution.
- They agreed to keep all pricing the same as originally planned at the Hilton. All room availability will remain the same and we will have newly renovated reunion rooms.
- Our banquet is now on Veterans Day.
- The weather is mild the first half of November which makes the tours easier.
- November and December are peak tourist times for the hotel so our original price is now even a greater bargain for hotel rooms and meals.
- For those driving to the reunion, fall colors will be in their full glory into early November.
- Lodging does include breakfast buffet for two!
- So.., How do you sign up?
- FIRST; use this link to see the Schedule, Tour, and Hotel information: Schedule, Tour, and Hotel Information.
NOTE: read these BEFORE you register or reserve a room – and please, PRINT them.
- THEN, use the AFR links below to register for the Reunion and Tours, and reserve your room:
- Reunion and Tour Registration link: https://www.events.afr-reg.com/e/AC-119Gunship2023
NOTE: if you need to cancel (full or partial) after you register, contact the AFR Office directly at 757-625-6401.
- Hotel Reservation link: https://book.passkey.com/event/50394539/owner/1694/home
- We’ll include more details about the Reunion, event Menus, local area sights, and more in monthly Flash Messages and on our Facebook page.
- Got questions? Contact John Cootz
Greetings from Texas to all AC-119 Gunship Associates, family, and friends. I hope this letter finds you happy and well. Here are my thoughts on our identity as Association members.
We each took an oath that brought us together as brothers. That is where we started. Now our mission is to preserve our brotherhood. We do that through reunions, the website, our historical archives, and preserving our heritage through ceremonies and memorials.
While interacting with you, I find you still carry the USAF core values.
I am proud to be your President and will do my best to stay faithful to our values. Always feel free to share your thoughts with me. Now, on to some other important topics.
At no cost, this program provides the invaluable opportunity for a personal thank you for every WWII, Korean, and Vietnam war veteran to receive his or her long-overdue day of honor. The deep and meaningful connections established among traveling veterans, and the passion of Honor Flight’s volunteers always shine through true and clear. The Honor Flight experience provides a life-altering sense of pride for the remarkable senior men and women war heroes. An application can be accessed at https://www.honorflight.org.
I encourage every AC-119er who served in SEA to get an Agent Orange Registry exam. It’s totally free and is an opportunity to get a good evaluation of current health conditions. Other benefits to joining are the opportunity to learn about a possible presumptive condition so you can make a claim and potential family benefits. You are eligible for a comprehensive evaluation even if you are not enrolled in the VA system. To sign up for an Agent Orange Registry exam, contact a coordinator near you using this link Environmental Health Coordinator. A coordinator will help you schedule an exam with a provider.
Within the next week, you will be receiving a survey from the Association. The responses will help the Association continue to organize GREAT reunions and find ways to keep our brotherhood connected at future reunions with as many brothers as possible. Please take 15 minutes to provide your input when you receive the survey. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and ideas.
In addition to our reunions, we want to implement some new ideas that will help us stay connected throughout the year. This year, we will start sending out American Greeting electronic cards. We will be able to send cards for birthdays (please let us know your birthday month only), illness (let us know about yourself or family members) and eventually holidays (like Christmas and Veterans Day).
We would like to use the website to highlight family and holiday traditions, family military traditions (like family members who serve), and hobbies. We would like to request then and now photos from you that could be used on the website or at reunions. I think I can find a childhood picture that you will never associate with me as an adult. I will share some of my info and stories and I hope that you will do that also.
We continue to make progress on the US Air Force Academy’s Southeast Asia Memorial Pavilion that includes Vietnam Aircraft Unit Memorial Plaques. Many of you have participated in this project. The dedication ceremony should occur in the second quarter of 2023. All of our brothers in the 71st SOS, 17th SOS, and 18th SOS are showcased on our plaque.
The Association is also working with the Air Force Association on a 50th Vietnam Anniversary Celebration. Part of this celebration will be to honor John O’Neal Rucker, an 18th SOS member, in Lindon, Texas along with family and friends. He was the last American who died at Da Nang during the Vietnam War and was the last enlisted casualty. Association representatives will participate in the ceremony.
The Association has a great website that is both attractive and informational. I would be remiss if I did not thank Wayne Laessig and Liz Buss for all their creativity and effort. Thank You!
I hope you stay safe, healthy, connected to each other, and happy in the coming year.
John Cootz
Prior Years President's Messages
- 2022 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Messages (Composite)
- 2022 Mike Drzyzga Outgoing Presidents Message (from November Firing Circle)
- 2022 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Message (From September Firing Circle)
- 2022 Mike Drzyzga Flash Message (August)
- 2022 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Message (July)
- 2022 Mike Drzyzga Flash Message (February)
- 2021 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Message (Composite)
- 2021 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Message (from May Firing Circle)
- 2020 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Message – Composite
- 2020 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Message (November)
- 2020 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Message (from August Firing Circle)
- 2020 Mike Drzyzga Presidents Message (from May Firing Circle)
- 2020 Mike Drzyzga News Flash (March)
- 2019 Mike Drzyzga President’s Messages – Composite
- 2019 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message (July)
- 2019 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message (March)
- 2018 Mike Drzyzga President’s Messages – Composite
- 2018 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from August Firing Circle
- 2018 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from June Firing Circle
- 2018 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from March Firing Circle
- 2018 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from February Flash Messages
- 2018 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from January Firing Circle
- 2016-2017 Mike Drzyzga President’s Messages – Composite
- 2017 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from September Firing Circle
- 2017 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from August Firing Circle
- 2017 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from July Firing Circle
- 2017 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from June Firing Circle
- 2017 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from June Flash Message
- 2017 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from April Firing Circle
- 2016 Mike Drzyzga President’s Message from November Firing Circle
- 2016 Larry Fletcher President’s Message from September Firing Circle
- 2016 Larry Fletcher President’s Message from August Firing Circle
- 2016 Larry Fletcher President’s Message from May Firing Circle
- 2016 Larry Fletcher President’s Message from February Firing Circle
- 2015 Larry Fletcher January and July Flash Message
- 2015 Larry Fletcher President’s Message from October Firing Circle
- 2015 Larry Fletcher President’s Message
- 2015 Larry Fletcher President’s Message from Spring Firing Circle
- 2014 Larry Fletcher President’s Message
- 2014 Larry Fletcher President’s Message from Spring Firing Circle
- 2014 Larry Fletcher July Flash Message