18th SOS Final Flight

In memory of our 18th brothers lost since the Vietnam War, for they have flown their Last Flight.

“They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We shall remember them.”
— Laurence Binyon

Aaronson, Alvin D.

Abbott, Bruce

Ables, William “Bill” H.

Acquaviva, James “Jim” F.

Adams, Harold D.

Agnello, Anthony M.

Alloway, Clyde D.

Amper, Mariano

Amundson, Vernon H.

Andrews, Robert “Andy” D.

Apgar, Charles F.

Armour, Thomas “Tom” P.

Armstrong, Gerald C.

Arnold, Lawrence “Duane”

Arthur, Allen W.

Ashton, Charles Y.

Ashworth, Glenn B.

Askin, Theodore S.

Atwood, Theodore “Ted” R.

Ayers, Harold W.

Bach, Harold Hoa (VNAF)

Bacon, William

Balish, Donald G.

Barber, John C.

Bare, Allen “Yogi” W.

Barkalow, Jimmy “Jim” R.

Barradale, Raymond “Ray” E.

Bartlett, Frank L.

Bautz, Anton “Tony” F.

Beall, George S.

Benedict, Carl R,

Benedict, Ronald J.

Benton, Ulas C.

Bergstrom, Donald P.

Bianco, Frank A.

Bielstein, John C.

Blair, Douglas S.

Blanchard, Lance A.

Blue, McLendon

Blum, Fred

Boling, Fred “Wayne” W.

Bott, Terry W.

Bortz, Raymond F.

Botbyl, George W.

Boyle, Douglas “Doug” C.

Bradley, David A.

Brewer, Marcus A.

Brightman, Jerry L.

Brow, Albert W.

Brown, Kenneth R.

Brown, Wilford Ray

Browning, Donald G.

Brubaker, Richard E.

Bruflat, Leroy A.

Bunting, Woodrow “Woody”

Burress, William “Bill” R., Jr.

Byler, Buddy R.

Byrd, Bruce L., Jr.

Campbell, Paul “Uncle Sam”

Carlson, Donald “Don” D.

Carpenter, John E.J.

Casey, Aloysius “Al” G.

Chaloux, Antoine P.

Chamberlain, Peter W.

Chandler, Calvin H.

Chandler, Ruben D.

Chapman, James “Jim” N.

Chase, Jay L.

Chisler, Steven D.

Chisum, Silver C.

Clark, Don

Clemons, DeWell “Dewey” M.

Clevenger, James E.

Coates, Paul L., Jr.

Cobb, Edward “Larry” L., Jr.

Cole, Ernest L.

Collins, Willard L.

Connor, George E.

Connor, Robert B.

Cooling, Donald F.

Cooper, Dewitt

Cornett, Joe

Courtney, Terrence F.

Crotty, Paul V.

Cullop, Walker “Dale”

Dalrymple, Keith, Jr.

Damm, Russell W.

Danielson, Andrew D.

Dean, Ronald J.

Deering, Phillip A.

DeLoache, Kelly L.

Doersam, William F., Sr.

Doherty, Edward P.

Dolback, Thomas R.

Downs, John “Jay” R. 

Doyle, Fred A.

Drislan, John J.

Eggert, Fred W.

Evitts, George W.

Faison, Ronald (Ron)

Feezor, William “Bill” L.

Ferneau, Dwayne

Finley, Robert H.

Flynn, Alfred

Flynn, J.D., Jr.

Forbes, William “Andy” T., Jr.

Forney, James “Jim” R.

Foster, Donald

Fransen, Karl E.

Franta, John M.

Freeman, Curtis E.

Fretz, Robert C., Sr.

Friel, Mike “Sonny” N.

Galbraith, Arthur W.

Gallo, Samuel (Sam) P., Sr.

Garcia, Habacuc V.

Garcia, Raymond

Gatlin, Richard M.

Gentes, Rollin W.

Gerlinger, Donald “Don”

Gilmore, Wiley

Ginn, Bill

Glass, Earl R.

Glover, Andy

Glover, Jerry D.

Goldberg, Ronald C.

Gomez, Fidel, Sr.

Goodwin, Harry

Gorsuch, Douglas “Doug” E.

Goryl, Joseph F., III

Grant, Jimmy E.

Grauer, Timothy “Tim” K.

Graves, Frederick “Fred”

Gravitte, Ray

Gray, Donald E.

Green, James “Jim” H.

Grundy, Richard W.

Grushinski, Joseph “Joe” J.

Guidry, Rodney Lee J.

Haag, Richard G.

Hammack, James W.

Hamman, Thomas R.

Hampton, Donald “Don” L.

Hansen, Charles J., Jr.

Havens, Richard

Hawpe, Muriel

Hearne, Larry D.

Helmig, Bob “Bobbie” B.

Henderson, Philip M.

Hickey, Larry

Hill, Frankie D., Sr.

Hill, Thomas D.

Hinds, Bobby G.

Hinken, David “Dave” F.

Hinkle, Lowell D.

Hintzen, Robert “Bud” L.

Hodges, Ancil C.

Hodges, Seth “Bert” B.

Hodnett, Ronald N.

Hoffman, Joseph C.

Hogue, James C.

Holt, James N.

Hoover, William “Bill” F.

Hughes, Justin “JD, Dan” J.

Hyden, Robert G.

Iserloth, Jay E.

Iversen, Richard “Dick”

Jablonski, Henry “Hank”

Jackson, Leroy, Jr.

Jarnagin, Steven C.

Jarnigan, Danny K.

Jenckes, James S.

Johnson, Don R.

Johnson, Emile “Jonnie” L.

Johnson, Robert W.

Jones, Bob

Jones, Jerry

Jones, Loyd A.

Kallaus, Eugene C.

Kaminski, Paul P.

Kayl, Donald L.

Kennedy, Max C.

Kidder, Paul H.

Kimble, William

Kirchner, David C.

Kite, Ben H.

Kitts, William “Billy” D.

Knowles, Charles

Korte, William “Bill” I.

Kroll, Ronald L.

Kuhns, William “Bill” J., Jr.

Kwiecinski, Warren T.

La Rosa, Robert “Bob”

Lamb, Thomas A.

Lane, Gary D.

Lawless, Deane (Mike) E.

Leach, Charles C.

Leavitt, Von

Lecompte, Walter S.

Lee, Gareth G.

Lemaster, James W.

Lewis, John W.

Lodge, William “Bill” G.

Lopez, Augustin “Augie” M.

Louderback, Johnnie L.

Loveall, Glenn R.

Lowe, Corney “Barney” G.

Lucky, Shelby D.

Lyles, Donald C., Sr.

Mac Isaac, Richard “Steve”

Macey, Guy I.

Maclean, Brian

Mahany, Richard “Dick” E.

Main, Don R.

Mandeville, Ray B.

Mangum, Peter B.

March, Fred

Marsh, Nelson E.

Marsland, Gerald “Mingo”, Jr.

Martino, James P., Jr.

Mason, Larry L.

Matheson, Hugh

Mathews, Robert G.

Mathison, Devin M.

Maxhimer, Merle “Max” B.

Mauro, Joseph (Joe) M.

May, James “Jim”

McCartney, John J., Jr.

McDowell, William J.

McDuffie, Daniel “Dan” R.

McGillis, Joseph “Patrick”

McGinnis, Jackie G.

McLeod, Bobby D.

McNew, Robert L.

Meals, Robert W., Jr.

Merrill, Oliver J.

Milacek, Alan D.

Milam, John E., Jr.

Millard, Clair “CJ”

Miller, Eugene D.

Miller, Lonny J.

Miller, Richard E. (Tech Rep)

Moore, James “Jim” E.

Morre, Clarence L.

Morris, Jack A.

Moses, Forest L.

Mullins, Marshall L.

Murray, Lawrence P.

Nash, Albert “Al” A.

Nauman, Kenneth W.

Nealy, J.E.

Newsome, Elton

Nohmer, Frederick “Fred” J.

Oliver, George W.

Olsen, Robert A.

Pace, Kenneth “Ken” W.

Paden, Ronald L.

Parker, James

Parr, Gerald W. “Gerry”

Payne, Carl A.

Payne, Virgil “Dutch”

Perry, Arthur “Art” R.

Pfannensteil, David L.

Piccotti, Lewis “John”

Piccotti, Louis S.

Pilson, Jack K.

Poarch, Randy “Bobby”

Pommerelle, Rene

Powell, Thomas J.

Price, Royce “Roy” D.

Profitt, Robert D.

Pueppke, James “Jim” E.

Pugh, William G.

Ratchford, Francis X.

Raveling, Vernon

Reeter, William E.

Reffner, William E.

Reid, Duane R., Sr.

Reilly, Richard J., Sr.

Rennels, David L.

Rice, Ralph D.

Rice, Robert L.

Rider, Frederick “Fred” T.

Ridgeway, Robert

Ring, Richard “Dick” E.

Ritenour, John D.

Robertson, William “Bill” G.

Rockafellow, Douglas “Rocky” G.

Romandetta, Dominick

Roode, Gene E.

Rounds, Gordon M.

Rucker, John O’Neal

Sak, Thomas J.

Sands, James “Jim” E., II

Saunders, Harvey W. (Sandy)

Savelle, Peter “Dave” D.

Schultz, Marcus D.

Scoggin, Thomas “Tom” G.

Scott, James “Jim” M. Jr

Seaborn, Kenneth A.

See, Oakley D.

Septor, Marvin C.

Serumgard, Arthur K.

Shapiro, Allen

Shipley, Henry J.

Shrodes, Lemoyne

Simmons, Herbert “Herb” S.

Sims, Sonny

Slagle, David “Rod” R.

Sluss, Maurice C.

Smith, Bobby B.

Smith, James “Nit Noi” G.

Stanton, Danny R.

Sternenberg, Fred W., Jr.

Stevens, Rogers “Rog” C., Jr.

Stough, Robert “Bob” E.

Stumbaugh, Paul R.

Sugg, Joseph “Joe” P.

Sullivan, Thomas J.

Swain, Robert “Rob” P.

Swanson, Donald J.

Taschioglou, Byron “Tasch” J.

Taylor, Alphonso D.

Taylor, Ollis G.

Taylor, Neil A.

Teal, Tom A.

Thomas, Robert B.

Thomason, Jimmie D.

Tilton, James M.

Titus, Henry “Hank”

Traudt, Ronald “Ron” H.

Traynor, Michael “Mike” P.

Treat, Terry L.

Tubbs, Lyle D.

Tuttle, Vernal D.J.

Underwood, Keith

Van Abel, Robert “Bob” L.

Vandyke, Ronald W.

Voos, Ernest G.

Waggoner, Walter C.

Wallace, Charles A.

Walls, Jeffrey P.

Waple, Charles G., Jr.

Ward, Jimmy L.

Ward, Richard L.

Washington, Herman

Watling, Harvey R.

Webb, Keith R.

Weege, Ernest “Ernie” J.

Wesen, Charles L.

White, Charles G.

White, Walter E.

Wilkerson, Billy J.

Williams, Gordon “Gordie” L.

Willamson, Elliott, Jr.

Wilson, Burke L.

Wilson, Ronald R.

Winters, Jeffery A.

Woznicki, Francis J.

Wright, Howard E.

Wright, Jesse “Larry”

Young, Merle R.

Yowell, Milo G.

Zeiler, Burton “Burt” D., Jr.

Zeller, Brian

Zemanick, Frank P.